About Erika James


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Meet Erika

Graphic Designer
Hello, I’m Erika James, a passionate individual with a keen eye for aesthetics and a heart deeply rooted in the world of design. Hailing from the vibrant city of Austin, Texas, I embarked on my creative journey at the University of Texas, where I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising.
From the outset, I’ve harbored a profound appreciation for the allure of beautiful visuals that weave seamlessly through various mediums. Whether it’s the enchanting narratives of movies, the glossy pages of magazines, the persuasive power of advertisements, or the artistry behind packaging, I’ve found inspiration and joy in the diverse expressions of creativity.
For me, choosing a career in design was a natural progression—an opportunity to amplify my love for art on a grander stage. I view design as a powerful means to communicate and connect, a platform to share the emotions and stories that art evokes within me. Crafting captivating visuals is not just a profession; it’s a calling, a chance to infuse the world with the beauty that resides in my imagination.
At Strock Real Estate I love working with photography and admiring the architecture and interior design of all these beautiful homes. It’s so neat to work remote from Texas and to make new connections in California. Getting to visit every so often is also a great perk!


If you are looking for a team of real estate agents who are dedicated to providing exceptional service and results, look no further than the Strock Team. We are here to help you navigate the complex world of real estate with confidence and ease.

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